Take Action


On the frontline of the fight for our community are thousands of volunteers who bring LIVE UNITED to life by giving selflessly of their time and talents to create lasting solutions and improve the quality of life for all of us!

Whether it’s reading to children, serving as a volunteer income tax preparer for low-income tax clients, delivering meals to homebound seniors or being part of the annual Day of Service, there are hundreds of ways to roll up your sleeves and make a difference!

If you would like to volunteer, simply contact us and we will be happy to find a role that fits you best! 


Join our WV 2-1-1 Network

WV 2-1-1 in an information and referral hotline that helps callers navigate available local resources such as utility assistance, homelessness, transportation, and food programs. Non-profit organizations, civic groups, and community-oriented companies play an important role in the WV 2-1-1 network. Through this network, United Way can access a myriad of health and human services online, seeing specific programs, intake requirements, eligibility, operation hours and so much more. If your organization or company is involved in aiding our local community, or are curious about what you could do to be more involved, feel free to contact us and become a part of the network of WV 2-1-1 supporters.